Thursday, February 14, 2008


Current traveling.

Tuesday, 12th 10:35

I, Grace jorgens, am sitting in the airport terminal. Waiting to bored the plane, to Taipei. We board in about 5 minutes. Loryn, Lauren, Heather, Emily and I, went and got dinner at Seattle's best coffee. Good stuff, we shared turkey wraps and I got an iced coffee. We were all craving food, but the “sweet” stuff didn't sound to appealing! We board the plane soon, so i best be going.

No idea, what time. Or place for that matter.

On the flight, to Taipei. I think the whole team is asleep. The flight so far has gone great, a little turbulence. But nothing to really worry about. Were about 8 hours from getting there! About an hour into the flight they served us dinner. Fish and pasta, or Chicken and rice. They said they would serve us “breakfast” 3 hours prior to landing. So in about 5 hours. Which means i should go sleep. Before I'm woken up for breakfast. =]

Flying somewhere, 3:18 minutes from landing in Taipei. We should arrive at about 6:03 am, Taipei time. And 5:03am Thailand time.

The flight has been uneventful on my part. Sleep, wake up, go back to sleep. Do a bible study. Sleep. And I've been up for about an hour now. Kathy too. Its really hard to tell who is up and who's still sleeping. Since it hard to see them...

In Taipei, we got bottled water, and had to go through security again. The smell of Taipei, smelled gross. A mixture of Sweaty people, Cigarette smoke, and old people. Ick! The flight to Thailand was delayed. But we arrived within a few hours.

The hotel is amazing, though we are amazed at the heat!!! We really wanted to get out of our sweaty clothes! =]

It is now, Friday, the 15th.

We woke up this morning to a “haze” like fog. It was harder to see the sun, if at all... We had a lot of communication issues yesterday. We got in and arrived at the hotel. We quickly changed out clothes and went into the “mall” to get calling cards and bottled water. We planned on eating dinner at 6. And had the rest of the time to, take showers and call parents. Little did we know, the calling weren't working!!! So... eventually, the calling cards worked that we bought here. Though the ones from the US. Still don't. Dinner was at pizza hut! And we all enjoyed it a lot. Then Loryn, Lauren, Kathy and I. Looked for the wireless Internet place. In the “mall”. We didn't find it and were all tired. So we just when back to the hotel and went to bed.

This morning we ate breakfast! Oh yeah! We were all Starving. And enjoyed the buffet style breakfast that the hotel, provided for us. There was a lot of things to choose from. And we all found something appetizing to eat. We then met, for our devotional, and figured out what we were going to do today...

We all ate so much this morning, that we decided on a late lunch around 2pm. And are then going to the day market and then the night market!! until about 8-9pm. We are all feeling great! And are excited about the upcoming days!

Continue praying for our health. And hope to receive “comments” on these blogs!

Check your emails, for specific emails from your children. For they will be sent, buy either, Gracie's or Cherrie's emails.

=] we will write more later!


Grace said...

Hey Gracie Poo!!!! I miss you already! I hope your having a Blast in Thailand. Stay Safe!! My life starting tomorrow is going to be completely filled with CYT until we open... Matt just told me that he's praying for you. I'll comment latter it's 10:36 here and I have school. Enjoy your day!

Carrie said...

Hey Honey,
Good to talk to you today. I'm glad you're doing well, feel rested, and are having fun. Thanks for your blog we love hearing about your day.
Tell the team hi for us.
We are praying for you all.
Love you bunches,

Anonymous said...

Hi Gracie!
Thanks for your detailed info on your trip since Spokane. I could almost picture you guys all sleeping on the plane and could almost imagine the smells. Hey, try to get my mom to write a blog!! She's got a cell phone and MP3 player... She can do it :) Please tell her "HI" from her family!
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hey Gracie, and crew. I'm praying for you all. Sounds like lots of eating! Have fun, enjoy all the people and sights. God is good. Glad you are enjoying the "other" half of the world. Gramma

Anonymous said...

It's Katie Roberts. Lisa's daughter and Emily's sister.
Mom and Em:
I'm sorry I keep missing your calls! Right after you call, my phone beeps and says that I have a new voicemail. I don't get it cause the phone makes a noise to tell me THAT, but not when your calling. It's really frustrating.
I went to church today and everyone there that I talked to are praying for all of you. They can't wait for you all to come home and tell us all your stories!!
I am praying too and hope all 12 of you have a great time.

Katie Roberts