Thursday, February 21, 2008

The latest from Gracie, by her Mom

Gracie asked me to write a blog for her. These are her words reworked by me for the blog.

Grace says:
It's so awesome here, although i'm sick
like the stomach flu... but we don't know what caused it... maybe the water, though I've been REALLY careful, but i threw up once this morning, and then again at 3. bleck...
The wireless connection, is really bad. I have one bar, but the most its let me do "internet" wise is skype
so thats pretty lame, I hope you get this when you wake up.

I'm currently in my bed upstairs, and just woke up from sleeping for a few hours...
if you get a chance can you let people I had a good birthday, and that if I get better internet connection I'll try to update the blog, though we never seem to have any time... its been busy busy busy...

Everyone else is working with the kids, and I'm all alone bored
but everytime I try to stand up, I get light headed and then feel like throwing up
so I'm more or less bed ridden... and I want to be helping woth my kiddos... there are 8 of them, and we've overcome many obsticals...

4 of the kids speak other languages as their primary language... so they can speak English but rarely do... so its alot harder then we thought it was going to be.

Heidi is also sick, though to a much greater degree then me, and Christin got sick last night as well... though she's doing much better today.

Lisa was sick on and off yesterday I think too...
if you could possibly, write a quick blog, telling people that we've been really busy and will write a blog whenever we have time, =]

Can you ask people to pray for the team's overall health? so that others don't get sick and that Heidi and I feel better.

The skits are going.. ok... definately should and could have been better.

The teenagers don't think there "that" dumb... and actually we, Loryn, Emily, Heather, Lauren, and I have all been hanging out with them, the teenagers durring free time... there really awesome and super fun.
They love to play "football" and everytime I say that I say it in a British accent.
yay... it's there version of soccer... and even I've joined in the fun... and today we went swimming...

I started to feel compleatly better after lunch... so we went swimming and then played football. I started feeling sick so I stopped.

Well, that is all she wrote. She said she hoped it made sense.
Thank you all for your prayers for the group. I'm thankful they aren't all sick!
We'll probably hear more after they are done with the teaching week and go back to Chang Mai. It will be fun to hear from them and see pictures when they return.
I know the whole team would send their love if they were able to be online.


Anonymous said...

Hello you wonderful Thai ladies!
I am so sorry to hear that some of you (including my Heidi) have been sick. That's a bummer, but we are praying for full and speedy recoveries for each of you and pray that those of you who weren't mentioned on the "sick list" will not catch it, if it's something that can be caught.
I see on your schedule that some elephant riding is in your future plans. That should be a fun time for all of you. Hope the elephants behave themselves. Ha, ha.
The women's bathroom at Garland is looking pretty good. I think they are trying to get it finished before you all get back.
Our love to each and every one of you. May our mighty and gracious God continue to strenghten and guide Kathy, Cherrie, Donna, Sally, Lisa, Christen, Heidi, Heather, Grace, Loryn, Lauren and Emily.
the Anderson Family

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that you are sick. Praying for you all to get well soon. And praying that your "students" will be blessed. May you be well cared for and grow in the appreciation of His care.
Gramma Micah (Gracie's)

Thailand 2008 said...

I know I rewrote the blog for you but I wanted to say I'm sorry you're sick and pray you feel better soon! I know it is hard for you to miss out on what's happening with the kids.
I love you bunches! Pray for your brother if you get a chance. I'm going to meet Stephanie at the doctor's. He has been sick for a few days. She just called me. She is worried it might be pnemonia. I'll let you know what we find out.
I pray for you all every day.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey lauren loryn grace emily and heather!

I hope you guys are having an awesome time and I want to wish the people that areill to get well soon.
DYC was so awesome and i am sorry that you guys had to miss the first year. the best part was washing Josh's shirt in the toilet and going to denny's at 12:30.
Heather I got your book(it finally worked) and am reading through it right now.
I hope to see you soon make sure you bring back lots of pictures and fun stories to tell. Imiss you all so much (including heidi).

Anonymous said...

Greetings Spokanites... well the childcare is over and we've almost got our major room clean. It's 10:30 pm and we head out in the am at 11:00 am to return to Chiang Mai. The teens are not ready to leave yet... over watching a movie as we speak. Still some great Thailand experiences to have before we get on the airplane. Everyone is back on their feet, drinking and "eating" to varying degrees. God has been good. We had a great time with the elephants and an even greater time with the kiddos. Parents gave us a very enthusiastic thank you tonight and the kids expressed much regret that either they or ourselves were leaving.... We'll be in touch.... thank you for your prayers, Cherrie for the Thailand team. Please check out our pictures... I'm in a different villa than Gracie and have had great internet access so have sent some pictures on for your enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

to my dearest freshman (and my sophomore heather :])
looks like Thailand is pretty sweet, but of course not as fun as DYC! ;]
Happy late Birthday Gracie!!!
All you sicklings..... get better! Gracie puking is just the start of that one disease.. thats in Africa.... and in Thailand... you know which one im talking about.
Me and Savannah have come to realize today that we are starting to miss you all. We'll for sure be there to see you all return to oh so awesome Spokane (which was sarcastic by the way).
Robbie I miss your amazingness at guitar hero and i'm gonna need some of your talent when you get back. My ps2 is working again!
Butters... I miss your attractiveness.
Cosgrove I miss your goofy smile.
Heather I miss your intelligence :]
Gracie I miss your big vocabulary (even if you don't know what the words mean ;])
Guess what! New Office episodes April 10th. yup the news is just too big to tell you when you get back. Im basically the happiest. :]]]
This is rather long. Alright Im out. Have a wonderful rest of your trip! Miss you all!!!

P.S. Hey G-Ma! Looks like you dominated those elephants! Cant wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

and a happy tomorrow birthday to Butters!!!!!! :]