Saturday, February 9, 2008

Packing Party!

And it indeed was a party! Emily turned 15 today! As a result we all got to eat this very yummy cake! We all enjoyed it very much, after spending 2-3 hours packing and stuffing bags.

The day started off by praying, and then went full force into checking our personal bags and weighing them! Which were already packed and inventoried, but needed to be "inspected".

The hardest part came next, packing the ministry supply bags. We filled 12 big suitcases with all sorts of supples. There was a bag for everything, Drama, Preschool, Teens, and days corresponding for each lesson taught that day.

After every single bag was packed and weighed and accounted for, we locked 'em up. The rest of the time was spend eating Emily's birthday cake and taking about things that still needed to be done.

Overall, we got alot of things accoplished and finished an hour before planned. God is good.

[All accounted for!]

[She sure likes packing!]

[Lisa packing her suitcase!]

[Emily, Lauren, Heather, Gracie, and Loryn]

[Emily and her yummy birthday cake!]


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to be part of this team... and very proud of each member as we've worked for many months... and it's all come together. Praise the Lord for a great team, supportive family and church family, money raised, and we're just about to be off.... THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! You are terrific....

Seattledude77 said...

Good luck u guys! I think it's awesome what u guys r doing and I know it's gonna be a lotta fun! God Bless!

Lynett R. said...

I've been praying for you all all day. You must be exhausted. There are several of us here in Texas praying for your team. God's blessings to you all.

spokemom said...

Dear Thailand Team,
This is my 3rd attempt to send you a message. Anyway, we are glad to hear that you all arrived at your destination safely.
Hope you are all getting the rest you need and that you'll have a good amount of time to adjust and do some shopping, etc. before next week. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Keep in touch! We love you all!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God you all arrived safely! What about the luggage?! You are sleeping now while we start our day! We are praying for much restful sleep for all of you. You have an exciting day (days) ahead of you. You are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to hearing from you on this blog, or email, or phone... Love you lots!! Loryn, Do you have your passport? (haha)

Rheanne said...

Glad to hear you arrived safely... Can't wait to hear more, sure you already have great stories to tell. Ladies, please take good care of my mom... we miss her. Ps Happy Valentines a day late. Love, Rheanne and the garrett girls