Thursday, February 14, 2008

Loryns Short Blog!!!

We're here! If only you guys were all here to share it with us! We arrived safely, on time, and VERY tired. (By the way... we skipped the 13th of February...) We've taken so many random pictures of city life! Its soooooooooo cool! And very different...

See Ya Soonish!
Lauren Cosgrove


Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you are having quite the experience so far. I am glad to hear you are all feeling rested enough to enjoy. I'm sure the teens enjoyed the shopping experience tons! Love to my Lauren -- we are all thinking of you and praying for you.

Matthew g Prior said...

You might have skipped the 13th, but you'll get to repeat a day at the end!

I'm still praying for all you ladies!

pastarod said...

Hey Lauren and team, so glad to hear you made it safely. Love you all...Pastarod

Anonymous said...

So tell us,how was the market? Did you find good stuff? Is everybody still feeling well and rested up?
You are being well prayed over and loved so much!

Anonymous said...

hey loryn how ya doing over there i already miss you! are you having a fun time? have you started the VBS with the kids yet? things must be alot different over there! I hope you guys have alot of fun, and have a good experience! Take a lot of pitures!

love you,TORI

Anonymous said...

hey chicka! hows is going over there? it must be really busy and exciting! happy b-day tomorrow! so, i was looking at a picture of the team and i was thinking, where's loryn. so i read the caption and found you! it totally doesn't look like you! lol, well, give my love to everyone :) beth