Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kathy again!

I just finished reading the comments from my blog entry last night and was touched to hear about the tears of joy and gratitude that flowed as you read my entry! It has been a really wonderful trip . . . and so far without any conflict or difficulty that has been bigger than a momentary blip on the radar screen.

I was personally so blessed to learn more about JHF and the amazing variety of work that those associated with JHF do throughout China. Each person we had the privilege to talk with was inspiring and encouraging as God has led them with his amazing creativity to serve Him in China as a Christian professional. Besides doctors and teachers, we met a civil engineer who is helping to bring water to a village where people have had to walk up a mountain many times a day to get water, a couple who are seeking to save the lives of babies that are abandoned by their parents, a man who runs a cheese factory, and we learned about a woman who works with a deaf Chinese man repairing and refurbishing wheelchairs, which are hard to come by in China especially for children. We all feel privileged to be part of supporting this vast array of creative kingdom work in China.

Today we worshipped at an international church called The Gathering that meets in our hotel, the Lotus PSK. My godson and his family, Jason, Natasha, Clinton, Peter and 10-day old Hudson, joined us. The worship was wonderful and so was the sermon. It was based on Proverbs 4:23 about guarding our hearts with all diligence and was very meaningful.

This afternoon we went on a tour to a parasol factory, a silk factory, a silver factory, and a celedon china factory. There was a mix-up in the beginning because we waited and waited for our tour van to show up. Finally we discovered that because Cherrie Takenaka had given her name as the contact person, the hotel desk people and the tour guide were looking for a group of 12 Japanese people! Even though we were standing right there, they didn't realize we were the group they were looking for. They eventually came back around to get us and we all had a good laugh about the mix up.

Tomorrow we are going to spend the day at the Maesa Elephant Camp, and Jason and Natasha and boys are going to join us for the day. We also got to ride elephants on the last day of our children's ministry as part of the theme of the day which was God's creation of animals and learning about Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Our money has stretched farther than we thought it might, so it was a joy for us to pay for elephant rides for all the children - a luxury most of them otherwise would not have been able to afford.

During our elephant riding time at the Belle Villa Resort, we saw God answer one of Lisa Foster's very specific prayer requests: to ride bare back on an elephant! We didn't think this would be possible, but all of a sudden there was an elephant at the loading station with no chair on its back and they were trying to get me to get on it! Lisa was standing not too far away, and I suddenly realized that this elephant was for her. She quickly came and got on. As she did, her sun glasses fell off and her elephant calmly reached down and picked them up with the two fingers at the end of his trunk and handed them to her! God is faithful to hear the desires of our hearts!

It is evening here and time to head back to the hotel. Thank you for all of your prayers and love for us as we minister and travel.

Love in Jesus,


Anonymous said...

Good Morning to all of you! It has been awesome to hear how God has used all of you and the resources you had to bless the people that you worked with in JHF.

I'd like to say a huge "thank you" to Lisa. Thank you for being Heidi's "mom" in Thailand while she was sick with the flu. God is so good! It's clear to me that it was God that put this team together and is working in all of your lives.

Someone is going to have to take 6 months off and write a book about your exeriences!!
Praying for a sweet trip home for all of you.

Sheila Barley sends her love and prayers to all of you too. She hasn't been able to get on computer.

Maria for Anderson Family

Anonymous said...

Good morning from our home too! It is Sunday morning and I decided to check the blog before getting ready to go. What a wonderful story about Lisa and the elephant. I'm always amazed and grateful that He cares for the desires of our heart, like riding a elephant bareback! I'm so glad you were able to worship, at the church in your hotel no less, with your godson and family. We are all blessed by hearing your stories, Maria is right about the book. :-) So good to hear from you.
Love, Carrie

Anonymous said...

I was so excited to hear from you again, I have been so thankful to be able to read your blogs. God is so good, and I have thanked Him every day for the ways He has cared for each of you while you were away. It seems like the trip has been amazing for everyone! I know the girls are all so excited to hear more about it! You are always in our thoughts and prayers. I hope you will be able to rest and refresh a bit before coming home. I will continue to pray for you as you travel home to us!

Love and hugs, Lisa W. and the girls, too!

pastarod said...

Good to hear from you and the team, Kathy. I want you to know that I enjoyed the past posts but that I did NOT cry.

Love you all and can't wait to see you...
