Friday, February 15, 2008

Feb 15th. and 16th.

The 15th, was a very full day! We ate breakfast at 8:30. and boy that food was great! everyone found something to eat, that they liked! its currently 2:45pm on the 16th. as were in "Buddies Internet". this great little computer place very close to the hotel! Yesterday, 15th, we had a team meeting where as we prayed and did our devotion. Then we had a large amount of free time, after, we visited the market where all of us baught some interesting things and gifts. Then we all treaked back to the hotel. This won't be quite as long or detailed as the other ones, becasue i'm writing this while on the internet! Its so exciting here! and were all looking forward to tomorrow's trip to go cook thai-food, and then eat it!!!

and then on monday afternoon leave to go to the bella villa!!!

Tonight were going to the culteral center, and are going to experiance some of the authentic thai culture.

And about 2ish hours ago we got back from a boat ride to this little farmers market thing. where we were informed rambo, was filmed. or part of it. We watched how they sifted rice, and ate fresh pinapple, watermelon, and bannanas. Very good! Everything we ate was grown feet away from where we ate it. =]

I forgot to say, if any of our bags go lost. Well 1 did. Gracie's ministry bag. Once we relized it was gone, the people checked and found it was lost in seattle. but was only going to take to 2 days to get it. So after our boat tour i got to the room. and there it was!!!

God is good!!!

Love you all lots... and we will be sending more soon!



Anonymous said...

Gracie, I love how detailed your messages are! I can almost invision myself there with you. Thanks for all the info! Sounds like you are all experiencing such wonderful things there. The food and culture, how fun!! I hope Loryn is able to buy some things without her visa working> By the time you read this, it should be working...ugh! But if thats all that goes wrong we have nothing to complain about. So glad to hear that the preschool suitcase got there. Yes, praise God. We are praising him as you are in His hands. What a blessing this trip is for all of you! And we will be blessed as we hear all about it.
Love to you all! Mary

Carrie said...

So glad to hear your bag had arrived before we knew it was missing and you needed it. Side note, found the c.d. that has been missing from the library. Though your Dad found it I'm just sure there was divine intervention. It was near the t.v. in the living room. I returned the set and paid the fee, yeah! I'm happy to read what a fabulous time you're having. Can't wait to hear all about your Thai cooking experience. Enjoy all that warm weather for us. Love to you all! Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all are having fun and having a great trip. I hope that you are journaling like crazy. The pictures are worth a thousand words -- that's true! But your heart can only be captured in words. You think you'll remember the feeling of what you are experiencing, but much of it will be lost if you don't write it down. Write, write, write -- a thousand words will give you a picture of your heart! Love, AmyLynn

Anonymous said...

Joyce and I so enjoyed reading the blogs for everyone! Joyce cried!!! We are so p[roud of all you garlsand girls so just about can't stand it. Tomorrow morning (Sunday our time) we will be showing a few photos of yours to the family and ask them all to read and respond to your blogs. Keep them coming as it brings us into the trip in a unique way and allows us to be a part of it. Find something that's just "me" and bring it home to me :)

Love you all,


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. Enjoy all the sights and smells. Prayign for you all. Love you. gramma

Anonymous said...

Gracie, I am so glad your bag got delivered to just the right place. Thanks for all the good updates. God bless you, Sandy A

Grace said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even though it's not your birthday anymore.