Monday, February 25, 2008

Hi from Kathy

It is hard to believe that this is our last day and night in Thailand! We had fun going to the Maesa Elephant Camp this morning, and it was especially fun for me because my godson Jason and his family joined us, including 10-day-old Hudson. Natasha told me that it is the custom in Asia for women to stay confined in their homes [and even their beds!] for one month after their baby is born, so it is very unusual for people to see a baby as young as Hudson out-and-about. People were quite interested in him . . . and quite amazed that he took an elephant ride at such a young age.

The elephants at this camp put on a show for us that included playing soccer, and they also paint amazing pictures. We didn't learn how they are trained to do so, but each of seven or eight elephants painted a different and very clear picture which we could then buy as postcards or - if we had been a bit richer - an orginal. My favorite was the elephant who painted a self-portrait! The rest of them painted lovely flowers and trees!

Our tour guide then took us to an orchid farm where we had a wonderful lunch surrounded by beautiful orchids. However, you can tell it is time to go home because all of us are so done with tours and could hardly wait to go back to the hotel to swim, rest . . . and shop! There is a most interesting mall connected to our hotel that has everything from a store that reminds us of Macy's to a traditional Thai market where food is prepared in open stalls and all sorts of handicrafts are sold. It also has a beautiful Starbucks! We have all enjoyed mingling with the Thai people in this mall and learning about the mysteries of the Thai currency, Baht. The exchange rate today is 32.09 baht to one American dollar, so it feels a bit like spending play money. It's a good thing we set a limit on the amount of spending money each of us could bring!

We shared our tour bus today with a couple from England who are here for a conference with Christians who all work in Afghanistan but through all kinds of Christian organizations. It has been a surprise and a blessing to connect with so many believers from all over the world who are doing some kind of kingdom work for Jesus in Asia. Also, the tour guide today is a Thai Christian who has "In God We Trust" on the side of his vans and a cross prominently placed inside. In a primarily Buddhist country, this is a bold witness.

This is most likely my last chance to post anything on the blog as we will be traveling starting tomorrow morning. Let me say once again how proud I am of this team as a whole and of each person individually. They have each held up well under pressure and have behaved in ways that give honor to Jesus. It has been a pleasure to be together . . . and fun to think of the unique bond we will always share because of what we have done together in Thailand!

We're off to Taipei tomorrow where my longtime friend, Jeff DeHaven, who works for Boeing managing the maintenance of all the Boeing planes in the China Air Southest Asian fleet, will meet us at the airport and take us into Taipei to have dinner in a Chinese restaurant with his family.

Love in Jesus,

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