Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Note from Heidi

Hey everybody!
Grace tells me we're a little behind in terms of updating you on our recent excursions. On February 16 we went to the Chiang Mai Cultural Center in the evening for a meal (on the floor) and a traditional show (also on the floor). We ate fried banana, fried chicken, red curry and chicken with sticky rice and for dessert, a "cookie". The Thai people use sugar for making spicy things mild, and that's about it. This cookie was like a rice krispy treat with out the marshmellows.

Speaking of food, the Sep-Song (12) of us went to a farm and learned how to cook
Thai food like Pad Thai, curry/chicken dishes, chicken and cashew stir fry, and for dessert, sticky rice with fresh mango and coconut milk with bananas. It was really neat to see the farm where herbs, fruits and vegetables are grown and then we picked them to cook with. I was so proud of myself for cooking edible meals! :)
Our teacher at this Cooking School was named Sue and she was just wonderful. And so tiny and sweet. We all loved her.
And don't worry, we are bringing home lots of spices from the market and books of recipies!

To my parents: You'll be glad to know I am still doing tons of laundry here, even if you cannot benefit from my labor. I wash clothes everyday in the sink and use my hair clips for clothes pins. Things dry incredibly fast even though it is rather humid.

Now of course we have to stop playing and begin the reason why we came here. Our team meeting was very productive and we are preparing to serve these missionaries with our children's program. We have already had opportunities to meet some of the parents and children. The teenage boys are a little shy.......:)

Well, I have to go now because we are leaving the Lotus PSK Hotel and heading to the Belle Villa resort for the conference and the bus leaves at 2pm. It is about 1:30, but due to the insane traffic, it must take ten minutes to cross the street. The Thai people do not understand the concept of pedestrians, cross walks or speed limits.
Hoping to write again soon and miss you all!
Love Heidi


Anonymous said...

Hello all,
How was the first day? It's so enjoyable reading about your experiences! Can't wait to hear more.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are all having a good time in Chiang Mai! I miss you sooooo much Heidi! I can't wait for you to try out some of those recipes when you get home! Not too much is new around here, but i can't wait to hear every detail about the trip when you return! I'll be praying for you and the whole team while you guys are teaching at the childrens program!

God Bless!

Love, Shay

Kim said...

Heidi, great entry. I could see and hear what you're doing. Thanks for the great descriptions. Ihope you tried every thing.
Micah (Grace's gramma)

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi, Thanks for the update. Sounds like you are having a good time and enjoying the culture. I am praying for you and the team. Have fun meeting and teaching all the kids. Sandy A

pastarod said...

Heidi and team, sounds like you're having a great time seeing all those new places and experiences. I'm looking forward to hearing how serving the families goes! Love to each of you...Pastarod

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear that you are doing well. We miss you a lot.
Thanks for taking the time to update us on the blog.
Dad says "Watch out for the cars". We know that you'll be careful.
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey Team!
Just dropping you a note to let you know you are thought of and prayed for often! It seems like you are all we talk about around here! We know you must be so busy with your program all day, so when you get a chance to read this & write another blog, know you are being thought of & loved! May God give you strength, peace, health & rest! Love to you all (and especially Mom!) -Amy Ruth

Anonymous said...

hey, i just had pad thai and bananas with coconut cream! YUM!! also, you guys have to try Pork Toast. REALLY YUMMY!! hope you all feel better! can't wait to see more pictures!!
blessings, beth hinnenkamp