Monday, February 25, 2008

The Past Two Weeks by heather

Hello. This is Heather.
It is kind of funny that I am writing now since the trip is almost over, but at least a can give a brief summery of the whole trip. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay at Thailand. I have gotten the chance to experience the culture there first hand through fun shopping excursions in the market, riding in cool red trucks, and riding elephants! We have have a blast, but I think we would all agree that the best time we have had on this trip was getting to know the awesome kids at the missionary conference. The kids in all of our groups were so lovable and it was easy to make great friends with them (with very few exceptions). We even made good friends with the kids our age. The hardest part of the trip is knowing chances are I will never see those kids again. Young Pieter-Philip, Enrica, Hendrick, Alfred, Toby, etc. will all go back to China but will stay in our prayers. I am looking forward to telling you all about this trip! See you soon:)



Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,

So good to see your blog this morning. Dad, N and K read it before they jetted off to school and work.
I am so glad that you have been able to go on this adventure with God and that He has used, stretched, and taught all of you through this journey with Him. I know that now your heart will always be sensitive to the Asian part of the world as you have experienced first hand the culture, people, customs and spiritual needs they have.
We can't wait to see you but are so excited that you have had this opportunity.
Enjoy your day in Taipei.

Love ya lots, Mom for all

Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,

Mom again,
It is okay to spend some money. I checked your account and you haven't taken any money out for over a week. If you find something you like, go for it:)
Love, Mom