Saturday, February 23, 2008


Hey ya'll

it's very late here... and we have had a very very long day! I, gracie jorgens, am no longer sick... and feel alot better!!! I loved the belle villa, and even though i was really busy, had ana amazing time serving the most amazing little kids i we\ill ever meet...

It was so sad to leave them... but some how we did! i can't wait to tell you all more!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you Sweetheart. Glad you're better and had such a great time. Sounds like everyone did well. God sure provided for you and for the people you ministered to. Amazing isn't it? What a great first short term missions trip. I don't think I could have planned a better one for you. You will remember this forever, I'm sure. Love you!
Mom and the gang at home