Monday, February 25, 2008

So saddddd

We are leaving thailand tomorrow!! Im and so bitter sweet, i wanne see all you guys but then again, it is so amazing here!
i layed by the pool for alomost 2 hours today with em and it felt so good :)
And, i cant beleave i am saying this...but...i am shopped out! kinda...
well, see you soon and please pray for the plane ride home! Itle be a longggg one!



The Past Two Weeks by heather

Hello. This is Heather.
It is kind of funny that I am writing now since the trip is almost over, but at least a can give a brief summery of the whole trip. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay at Thailand. I have gotten the chance to experience the culture there first hand through fun shopping excursions in the market, riding in cool red trucks, and riding elephants! We have have a blast, but I think we would all agree that the best time we have had on this trip was getting to know the awesome kids at the missionary conference. The kids in all of our groups were so lovable and it was easy to make great friends with them (with very few exceptions). We even made good friends with the kids our age. The hardest part of the trip is knowing chances are I will never see those kids again. Young Pieter-Philip, Enrica, Hendrick, Alfred, Toby, etc. will all go back to China but will stay in our prayers. I am looking forward to telling you all about this trip! See you soon:)


Hi from Kathy

It is hard to believe that this is our last day and night in Thailand! We had fun going to the Maesa Elephant Camp this morning, and it was especially fun for me because my godson Jason and his family joined us, including 10-day-old Hudson. Natasha told me that it is the custom in Asia for women to stay confined in their homes [and even their beds!] for one month after their baby is born, so it is very unusual for people to see a baby as young as Hudson out-and-about. People were quite interested in him . . . and quite amazed that he took an elephant ride at such a young age.

The elephants at this camp put on a show for us that included playing soccer, and they also paint amazing pictures. We didn't learn how they are trained to do so, but each of seven or eight elephants painted a different and very clear picture which we could then buy as postcards or - if we had been a bit richer - an orginal. My favorite was the elephant who painted a self-portrait! The rest of them painted lovely flowers and trees!

Our tour guide then took us to an orchid farm where we had a wonderful lunch surrounded by beautiful orchids. However, you can tell it is time to go home because all of us are so done with tours and could hardly wait to go back to the hotel to swim, rest . . . and shop! There is a most interesting mall connected to our hotel that has everything from a store that reminds us of Macy's to a traditional Thai market where food is prepared in open stalls and all sorts of handicrafts are sold. It also has a beautiful Starbucks! We have all enjoyed mingling with the Thai people in this mall and learning about the mysteries of the Thai currency, Baht. The exchange rate today is 32.09 baht to one American dollar, so it feels a bit like spending play money. It's a good thing we set a limit on the amount of spending money each of us could bring!

We shared our tour bus today with a couple from England who are here for a conference with Christians who all work in Afghanistan but through all kinds of Christian organizations. It has been a surprise and a blessing to connect with so many believers from all over the world who are doing some kind of kingdom work for Jesus in Asia. Also, the tour guide today is a Thai Christian who has "In God We Trust" on the side of his vans and a cross prominently placed inside. In a primarily Buddhist country, this is a bold witness.

This is most likely my last chance to post anything on the blog as we will be traveling starting tomorrow morning. Let me say once again how proud I am of this team as a whole and of each person individually. They have each held up well under pressure and have behaved in ways that give honor to Jesus. It has been a pleasure to be together . . . and fun to think of the unique bond we will always share because of what we have done together in Thailand!

We're off to Taipei tomorrow where my longtime friend, Jeff DeHaven, who works for Boeing managing the maintenance of all the Boeing planes in the China Air Southest Asian fleet, will meet us at the airport and take us into Taipei to have dinner in a Chinese restaurant with his family.

Love in Jesus,

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kathy again!

I just finished reading the comments from my blog entry last night and was touched to hear about the tears of joy and gratitude that flowed as you read my entry! It has been a really wonderful trip . . . and so far without any conflict or difficulty that has been bigger than a momentary blip on the radar screen.

I was personally so blessed to learn more about JHF and the amazing variety of work that those associated with JHF do throughout China. Each person we had the privilege to talk with was inspiring and encouraging as God has led them with his amazing creativity to serve Him in China as a Christian professional. Besides doctors and teachers, we met a civil engineer who is helping to bring water to a village where people have had to walk up a mountain many times a day to get water, a couple who are seeking to save the lives of babies that are abandoned by their parents, a man who runs a cheese factory, and we learned about a woman who works with a deaf Chinese man repairing and refurbishing wheelchairs, which are hard to come by in China especially for children. We all feel privileged to be part of supporting this vast array of creative kingdom work in China.

Today we worshipped at an international church called The Gathering that meets in our hotel, the Lotus PSK. My godson and his family, Jason, Natasha, Clinton, Peter and 10-day old Hudson, joined us. The worship was wonderful and so was the sermon. It was based on Proverbs 4:23 about guarding our hearts with all diligence and was very meaningful.

This afternoon we went on a tour to a parasol factory, a silk factory, a silver factory, and a celedon china factory. There was a mix-up in the beginning because we waited and waited for our tour van to show up. Finally we discovered that because Cherrie Takenaka had given her name as the contact person, the hotel desk people and the tour guide were looking for a group of 12 Japanese people! Even though we were standing right there, they didn't realize we were the group they were looking for. They eventually came back around to get us and we all had a good laugh about the mix up.

Tomorrow we are going to spend the day at the Maesa Elephant Camp, and Jason and Natasha and boys are going to join us for the day. We also got to ride elephants on the last day of our children's ministry as part of the theme of the day which was God's creation of animals and learning about Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Our money has stretched farther than we thought it might, so it was a joy for us to pay for elephant rides for all the children - a luxury most of them otherwise would not have been able to afford.

During our elephant riding time at the Belle Villa Resort, we saw God answer one of Lisa Foster's very specific prayer requests: to ride bare back on an elephant! We didn't think this would be possible, but all of a sudden there was an elephant at the loading station with no chair on its back and they were trying to get me to get on it! Lisa was standing not too far away, and I suddenly realized that this elephant was for her. She quickly came and got on. As she did, her sun glasses fell off and her elephant calmly reached down and picked them up with the two fingers at the end of his trunk and handed them to her! God is faithful to hear the desires of our hearts!

It is evening here and time to head back to the hotel. Thank you for all of your prayers and love for us as we minister and travel.

Love in Jesus,

Saturday, February 23, 2008

hello from loryn

oh wow, what a time, what a time!!!
this has been the most amazing experience ever! I have met the most amazing people here at the JHF conference!!!
I can not wait to tell everyone back at home all about this experience!
I am ok, and doing wellm, i did feel sick for about 2 days but i am up and runnin! So continue to pray for several other people on the team that were very sick at the conference!
lovee to allllll

Hello from Kathy

Our week of ministry is over - already! In some ways it seems like we have been here for months and in other ways it feels unbelievable that we are within a couple days of getting on the plane to come home.

Our team did an awesome job during our week of ministry - and every single person was needed! We now see more clearly why the Lord spoke to the hearts of so many of Garland's teens to come on this trip. The seven teens who live in China who were part of the teen program this week are quite isolated from any peers in each of the cities they live in throughout China, so with our six and their seven - we had quite a respectable youth group for the week. The JHF teens were six boys and a girl, and we brought six girls, and they became wonderful friends in our four and a half short days together.

The teens also did a great job serving as our drama team and music team each morning. The skits Paul Tapp wrote and rehearsed with our team over the last couple of months were a great hit. The kids LOVED Dr. Pearl the Science Girl (Heather Weitz), Marvelous Marlena (Gracie Jorgens), and her Assistants (Loryn Butters, Emily Roberts and Lauren Cosgrove). I'm guessing most of the kids had never seen goofy skits like this, but once they caught on, they couldn't wait until Dr. Pearl showed up each morning. They were also quite releaved when Marvelous Marlena saw the Light and gave her life to Jesus at the end of the week! Being the music and drama team put an extra burden of responsibility on the teens as we met every morning about 7:15 to practice the skit and music for that day. I am very proud of how each of them rose to the occasion of what was needed of them.

I could go on telling you how we saw that God had ordained a special role for each person on the team to meet certain needs. All the parents said this was the BEST children's ministry that any team has brought JHF and that they had the best conference ever because their children were so happy and so eager to come be part of all the activities we had planned throughout the day. We worked very hard each day from early in the morning until late at night, but it was well worth the effort as we saw the children respond so eagerly. Most kids in JHF are in traditional Chinese schools that emphasize rote learning, so hands-on, creative learning experiences were receivied with anabashed enthusiasm.

As the week went on, we realized that many of the JHF people at the conference were either home schooling their kids or teaching Chinese kids with very few resources, so for the last night Christin set up a "store" for any JHF workers to come select resources out of our ministry supplies that we did not need to take back with us. Quite a few families were overjoyed by our generosity and the luxury of having some things that we think nothing of having and can get more of easily.

I believe that what our team was able to do truly furthered the work of Christ throughout China and also in Afghanistan, as one of the women staffing the nursery is married to a Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot who serves in Afghanistan. She was thrilled to be able to take things from our preschool supplies for her church in Afghanistan.

Tomorrow we are going to worship at The Gathering, a church that meets at the Lotus Hotel and the one that my godson, Jason Tompkins, who is a doctor in China with the C&MA, is worshipping with while he and his wife are here in Chiang Mai for the birth of their third son, Hudson, who was born in the hospital next to our hotel the morning we arrived in Chiang Mai! God's timing is amazing! After church, we will have lunch with Jason and his family, and then we are going to go to a factory that makes the colorful silk parasols that Chiang Mai is famous for.

Well, it is late, and I am being too wordy as usual! Love to you all, Kathy C.

P.S. When we got back to Chiang Mai today, we had lunch at The Sizzler . . . and an American-style meal was a welcome treat for us all!


Hey ya'll

it's very late here... and we have had a very very long day! I, gracie jorgens, am no longer sick... and feel alot better!!! I loved the belle villa, and even though i was really busy, had ana amazing time serving the most amazing little kids i we\ill ever meet...

It was so sad to leave them... but some how we did! i can't wait to tell you all more!!!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

The latest from Gracie, by her Mom

Gracie asked me to write a blog for her. These are her words reworked by me for the blog.

Grace says:
It's so awesome here, although i'm sick
like the stomach flu... but we don't know what caused it... maybe the water, though I've been REALLY careful, but i threw up once this morning, and then again at 3. bleck...
The wireless connection, is really bad. I have one bar, but the most its let me do "internet" wise is skype
so thats pretty lame, I hope you get this when you wake up.

I'm currently in my bed upstairs, and just woke up from sleeping for a few hours...
if you get a chance can you let people I had a good birthday, and that if I get better internet connection I'll try to update the blog, though we never seem to have any time... its been busy busy busy...

Everyone else is working with the kids, and I'm all alone bored
but everytime I try to stand up, I get light headed and then feel like throwing up
so I'm more or less bed ridden... and I want to be helping woth my kiddos... there are 8 of them, and we've overcome many obsticals...

4 of the kids speak other languages as their primary language... so they can speak English but rarely do... so its alot harder then we thought it was going to be.

Heidi is also sick, though to a much greater degree then me, and Christin got sick last night as well... though she's doing much better today.

Lisa was sick on and off yesterday I think too...
if you could possibly, write a quick blog, telling people that we've been really busy and will write a blog whenever we have time, =]

Can you ask people to pray for the team's overall health? so that others don't get sick and that Heidi and I feel better.

The skits are going.. ok... definately should and could have been better.

The teenagers don't think there "that" dumb... and actually we, Loryn, Emily, Heather, Lauren, and I have all been hanging out with them, the teenagers durring free time... there really awesome and super fun.
They love to play "football" and everytime I say that I say it in a British accent.
yay... it's there version of soccer... and even I've joined in the fun... and today we went swimming...

I started to feel compleatly better after lunch... so we went swimming and then played football. I started feeling sick so I stopped.

Well, that is all she wrote. She said she hoped it made sense.
Thank you all for your prayers for the group. I'm thankful they aren't all sick!
We'll probably hear more after they are done with the teaching week and go back to Chang Mai. It will be fun to hear from them and see pictures when they return.
I know the whole team would send their love if they were able to be online.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Note from Heidi

Hey everybody!
Grace tells me we're a little behind in terms of updating you on our recent excursions. On February 16 we went to the Chiang Mai Cultural Center in the evening for a meal (on the floor) and a traditional show (also on the floor). We ate fried banana, fried chicken, red curry and chicken with sticky rice and for dessert, a "cookie". The Thai people use sugar for making spicy things mild, and that's about it. This cookie was like a rice krispy treat with out the marshmellows.

Speaking of food, the Sep-Song (12) of us went to a farm and learned how to cook
Thai food like Pad Thai, curry/chicken dishes, chicken and cashew stir fry, and for dessert, sticky rice with fresh mango and coconut milk with bananas. It was really neat to see the farm where herbs, fruits and vegetables are grown and then we picked them to cook with. I was so proud of myself for cooking edible meals! :)
Our teacher at this Cooking School was named Sue and she was just wonderful. And so tiny and sweet. We all loved her.
And don't worry, we are bringing home lots of spices from the market and books of recipies!

To my parents: You'll be glad to know I am still doing tons of laundry here, even if you cannot benefit from my labor. I wash clothes everyday in the sink and use my hair clips for clothes pins. Things dry incredibly fast even though it is rather humid.

Now of course we have to stop playing and begin the reason why we came here. Our team meeting was very productive and we are preparing to serve these missionaries with our children's program. We have already had opportunities to meet some of the parents and children. The teenage boys are a little shy.......:)

Well, I have to go now because we are leaving the Lotus PSK Hotel and heading to the Belle Villa resort for the conference and the bus leaves at 2pm. It is about 1:30, but due to the insane traffic, it must take ten minutes to cross the street. The Thai people do not understand the concept of pedestrians, cross walks or speed limits.
Hoping to write again soon and miss you all!
Love Heidi

Friday, February 15, 2008

Feb 15th. and 16th.

The 15th, was a very full day! We ate breakfast at 8:30. and boy that food was great! everyone found something to eat, that they liked! its currently 2:45pm on the 16th. as were in "Buddies Internet". this great little computer place very close to the hotel! Yesterday, 15th, we had a team meeting where as we prayed and did our devotion. Then we had a large amount of free time, after, we visited the market where all of us baught some interesting things and gifts. Then we all treaked back to the hotel. This won't be quite as long or detailed as the other ones, becasue i'm writing this while on the internet! Its so exciting here! and were all looking forward to tomorrow's trip to go cook thai-food, and then eat it!!!

and then on monday afternoon leave to go to the bella villa!!!

Tonight were going to the culteral center, and are going to experiance some of the authentic thai culture.

And about 2ish hours ago we got back from a boat ride to this little farmers market thing. where we were informed rambo, was filmed. or part of it. We watched how they sifted rice, and ate fresh pinapple, watermelon, and bannanas. Very good! Everything we ate was grown feet away from where we ate it. =]

I forgot to say, if any of our bags go lost. Well 1 did. Gracie's ministry bag. Once we relized it was gone, the people checked and found it was lost in seattle. but was only going to take to 2 days to get it. So after our boat tour i got to the room. and there it was!!!

God is good!!!

Love you all lots... and we will be sending more soon!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Loryns Short Blog!!!

We're here! If only you guys were all here to share it with us! We arrived safely, on time, and VERY tired. (By the way... we skipped the 13th of February...) We've taken so many random pictures of city life! Its soooooooooo cool! And very different...

See Ya Soonish!
Lauren Cosgrove

Kathy's Blog!!!

Hello, Friends! I'm writing my first Thailand Team Blog entry somewhere over the sea between South Korea and Taipei . . . we have about two hours left on our nearly 14 hour flight . . . and we are all doing well. I am sitting in Row 9 next to Gracie, our Blog Master, which is why I get to write one of the first entries! It is 12:15 pm Pacific Daylight Time, and 4:15 am Taiwan time on February 14th – so Happy Valentine's Day! They fed us dinner about 2:00 am your time, and we just had breakfast! The food is pretty good, especially compared to the tiny bag of pretzels you get when flying in the US. Everyone slept at least five or six hours – or more – and we are all feeling remarkably refreshed.

God's hand of care was strongly evident on us as we checked in at the Spokane Airport as Brandon Kafflen was at the Alaska ticket desk and checked us in through the First Class station with loving care. He arranged for us to leave on an earlier flight, which ended up leaving the same time as our original flight which left even later. When we actually boarded our “numero uno” plane, Brandon was at the gate blessing each one of us as we went onto the plane. Before going through security, many friends from Garland – besides family members – came to the airport to say goodbye to us, and Ricky Kienholz blessed us and prayed for us before going through security. Thank you, Ricky, for helping to organize such a loving farewell for our team. We feel loved!

When we got to the China Air gate in Seattle, a couple with three young children got in line behind us as we waited to get our boarding passes. When Heidi Anderson saw them, she did a double-take because the woman looked so much like a woman who came to Garland's Celebrate Recovery for awhile and for whom she has babysat. The man heard us say Chiang Mai and asked us where we were going. Amazingly, this young family is headed for Chiang Mai from Spokane on all the same flights we are on to attend a conference for the ministry Unreached People Groups. And, his wife is the twin sister of the woman Heidi and Sally know from Celebrate Recovery.

All of us are excited and thrilled to be on this adventure, but it is especially fun for me to see the sense of thrill and eager anticipation of the teenagers. They are exclaiming over every new sight and experience, gluing ticket stubs in their journals and recording their thoughts and feelings, reading their Bibles . . . So, moms and dads, be at peace. Your tears at the airport touched your girl's hearts (and the rest of ours, too), and they are all doing well.

Bye for now! If you're lucky, we may post some pictures of how we look after being up for over 24 hours already.

Love and blessings,


Current traveling.

Tuesday, 12th 10:35

I, Grace jorgens, am sitting in the airport terminal. Waiting to bored the plane, to Taipei. We board in about 5 minutes. Loryn, Lauren, Heather, Emily and I, went and got dinner at Seattle's best coffee. Good stuff, we shared turkey wraps and I got an iced coffee. We were all craving food, but the “sweet” stuff didn't sound to appealing! We board the plane soon, so i best be going.

No idea, what time. Or place for that matter.

On the flight, to Taipei. I think the whole team is asleep. The flight so far has gone great, a little turbulence. But nothing to really worry about. Were about 8 hours from getting there! About an hour into the flight they served us dinner. Fish and pasta, or Chicken and rice. They said they would serve us “breakfast” 3 hours prior to landing. So in about 5 hours. Which means i should go sleep. Before I'm woken up for breakfast. =]

Flying somewhere, 3:18 minutes from landing in Taipei. We should arrive at about 6:03 am, Taipei time. And 5:03am Thailand time.

The flight has been uneventful on my part. Sleep, wake up, go back to sleep. Do a bible study. Sleep. And I've been up for about an hour now. Kathy too. Its really hard to tell who is up and who's still sleeping. Since it hard to see them...

In Taipei, we got bottled water, and had to go through security again. The smell of Taipei, smelled gross. A mixture of Sweaty people, Cigarette smoke, and old people. Ick! The flight to Thailand was delayed. But we arrived within a few hours.

The hotel is amazing, though we are amazed at the heat!!! We really wanted to get out of our sweaty clothes! =]

It is now, Friday, the 15th.

We woke up this morning to a “haze” like fog. It was harder to see the sun, if at all... We had a lot of communication issues yesterday. We got in and arrived at the hotel. We quickly changed out clothes and went into the “mall” to get calling cards and bottled water. We planned on eating dinner at 6. And had the rest of the time to, take showers and call parents. Little did we know, the calling weren't working!!! So... eventually, the calling cards worked that we bought here. Though the ones from the US. Still don't. Dinner was at pizza hut! And we all enjoyed it a lot. Then Loryn, Lauren, Kathy and I. Looked for the wireless Internet place. In the “mall”. We didn't find it and were all tired. So we just when back to the hotel and went to bed.

This morning we ate breakfast! Oh yeah! We were all Starving. And enjoyed the buffet style breakfast that the hotel, provided for us. There was a lot of things to choose from. And we all found something appetizing to eat. We then met, for our devotional, and figured out what we were going to do today...

We all ate so much this morning, that we decided on a late lunch around 2pm. And are then going to the day market and then the night market!! until about 8-9pm. We are all feeling great! And are excited about the upcoming days!

Continue praying for our health. And hope to receive “comments” on these blogs!

Check your emails, for specific emails from your children. For they will be sent, buy either, Gracie's or Cherrie's emails.

=] we will write more later!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Packing Party!

And it indeed was a party! Emily turned 15 today! As a result we all got to eat this very yummy cake! We all enjoyed it very much, after spending 2-3 hours packing and stuffing bags.

The day started off by praying, and then went full force into checking our personal bags and weighing them! Which were already packed and inventoried, but needed to be "inspected".

The hardest part came next, packing the ministry supply bags. We filled 12 big suitcases with all sorts of supples. There was a bag for everything, Drama, Preschool, Teens, and days corresponding for each lesson taught that day.

After every single bag was packed and weighed and accounted for, we locked 'em up. The rest of the time was spend eating Emily's birthday cake and taking about things that still needed to be done.

Overall, we got alot of things accoplished and finished an hour before planned. God is good.

[All accounted for!]

[She sure likes packing!]

[Lisa packing her suitcase!]

[Emily, Lauren, Heather, Gracie, and Loryn]

[Emily and her yummy birthday cake!]